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FAMAGA always strives to provide the best prices and timings of supplies for its customers. We sell only original equipment and spare parts, although we are not always the official distributor or manufacturer's dealer. All displayed trademarks and part numbers are the property of their respective owners.

Camozzi was founded by three brothers in 1964 in a small village in northern Italy and was engaged in the production of components for industrial automation. Today Camozzi is a recognized leader in his direction and maintains his traditions and principles. The firm is recognized for its innovation, passion and dedication. The first branch of the company was opened in Germany in 1980. The company currently has 21 branches and offices around the world and every day strengthens its position in the design, manufacture and distribution of pneumatic components using the most advanced technologies. They use high quality components in their products that are safe and environmentally friendly. home page Camozzi is interested in qualified professionals, therefore it tries to attract and develop its specialists. The company also carefully develops its structure, eliminating inefficient production and non-targeted costs.

The products are manufactured at Camozzi Spa factories in Italy, as well as at branches in Ukraine, Russia, China, the USA and India. The product range consists of pneumatic cylinders, pneumatic grippers, pneumatic drives, pneumatic valves, valves, pneumatic islands, filter regulators, pipeline fittings, vacuum components, control cabinets, air preparation units, fittings, hydraulics, etc.

Camozzi's clients include both individual buyers and the world's most renowned equipment giants. This is achieved through the presence of an extensive network of representative offices and distributors. Camozzi strives to strengthen its position as a leading company in the design, manufacture and distribution of pneumatic components, providing customers with technical solutions using only the most advanced technologies. The company positions itself as a pioneering and technically oriented company that provides important technical solutions using high quality components, while meeting all environmental and safety requirements.

Camozzi strives to interact with all partners, manufacturers and distributors at the same professional level. This company strives to attract and retain qualified employees, offering to constantly develop their capabilities and knowledge. It is dominated by the desire to optimize all internal production processes, to provide high-quality customer support services to the entire global industry and distribution network.

Understanding the concept of innovation includes understanding the processes and activities that promote the development of innovative solutions in a systematic and orderly manner. The company's goal is to anticipate market trends, predict customer service needs, and continually innovate, creating the foundation for new business lines, with products that can be of great value to the user. Achieving these goals should not distract from addressing issues of environmental protection, labor safety, human resource development and attention to society as a whole. 

Camozzi firmly believes that the innovation process is most effective when it occurs on an ongoing basis, combined with research, training, organizational and technological development.

Camozzi uses every possible innovative technology. In technology, the company prioritizes the design, optimization and production of complex products in which intelligent and mechanical functions are integrated. To provide excellent service requires experience in the following areas: mechatronic machining; electronic design and manufacturing, polymer material design and processing, and a variety of other manufacturing skills in general.

Success also depends on employees with specialized skills and the ability to bring these to life. Camozzi's Technology Plan provides a vision for the future and defines the technology capabilities that will be designed to continue to meet the needs of industrial pneumatics and industrial pneumatics customers.

Liquid control

The control and regulation of liquids, both in liquid and gaseous form, requires more and more sophisticated and technically advanced components. At the same time, sectors requiring, for example, solenoid valves are constantly evolving and expanding. The use of solenoid valves is often driven by factors such as safety, environmental concerns, and the lifetime of equipment that operates in some of the most challenging sectors where the fluids to be controlled can be toxic, corrosive, or can require high speed.

Hydrodynamics is a field of mechanics related to the laws of liquid and gaseous properties. Solenoid valves are components that intercept, control, and automatically regulate the flow of fluid in a circuit or system. Solenoid valves can be used to provide control or as a pilot signal to other individual valves or circuits. Technical solutions in this area usually consist of components that are improved through increased integration between electronic and mechanical technologies. Research and development of new hydrodynamic components is focused on further miniaturization.

In addition to miniaturization, the following technologies are also being passed on to new generations of fluid control technology components:

  • Proportional control systems;
  • PWM and PCM control technology systems;
  • Sealing diaphragm systems for the control of aggressive liquids;
  • Internal security control systems;
  • Valve control systems;
  • Systems with position sensors, pressure and flow sensors.

Proportional Technology

The growing demand for components and systems that have greater precision, flexibility and motion control is being met by pneumatic control systems with built-in electronics. Proportional Camozzi technology allows you to control air pressure quickly and accurately to reduce cycle times while using less compressed air and therefore saving energy. These key benefits are achieved by integrating electronic control functions and sensors directly into individual components. Proportional technology and intelligent pneumatics play an important role in the world of automation solutions.

Camozzi is able to offer the following technologies for proportional air control:

  • • PWM technology - proportional pressure control with pulse width modulation
  • • Swing Coil Technology - High Precision and Dynamic Servo Valves (LR Series)
  • • Poppet technology - flow control valves
  • • Linear Coil Technology - Proportional flow control valves using metal in systems.


Intelligent pneumatics for industrial automation that combine sensors and diagnostic capabilities to provide customized solutions for pressure and flow monitoring, while also helping to reduce machine cycle times and energy consumption. These are important characteristics of automation components on the market today, along with the need for technically sophisticated, customizable and compact components. The general market trend is towards miniature mechatronic components that are capable of multiple functions. For example, check valves for solenoid valves benefit from miniaturization as they get smaller. Camozzi embraces real technological trends and focuses on further developments in this area. The company is constantly in the process of researching and improving the technologies it offers to its customers so that they can take full advantage of the latest technologies.

System of design solutions

The company's mission is to provide innovative and efficient pneumatic motion solutions that are designed to meet the individual needs of each client. The experience and knowledge of our specialists allows us to offer:

  • Fully customizable components
  • Pre-assembled kits
  • Systems and cameras

An example of a Camozzi turnkey solution is a water mist spray system that includes a range of components from water treatment and pump to pipes with fittings and nozzles.

Camozzi quality fully complies with all international quality requirements and environmental legislation. Camozzi's design teams work to provide high-tech, efficient technical solutions to every client. This is achieved by building strategic partnerships that ensure success. Collaboration is the key word, from the analysis of customer needs and design concepts to the assembly system and the actual delivery of turnkey automation systems. For ease of operation and maintenance of its own solutions, Camozzi manufactures and supplies all the necessary spare parts, components and replacement components.

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